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Job Search

Q2 2024 - Construction Industries

October 2023 - March 2024

The “Industry Moves Trends” report analyses how much over basic salary hiring managers have been offering in order to successfully attract upper quartile, permanently employed candidates from an industry competitor in the last six months. Combine this with our salary survey for maximum benefit.

Key Findings

  • Employers currently need to offer, on average, a 13% uplift on existing base salary to attract Procurement and Supply Chain Managers, and a 17% uplift to attract Senior Buyers and Buyers.
  • The average basic salary increase for Procurement & Supply Chain Managers is over £8,000 but this is more than £2,000 less than it was six months ago.
  • Most moderate uplift in basic salaries since COVID.
  • 13% average basic salary uplift needed to secure a move by Procurement and Supply Chain Managers highlights a return to more normal market conditions (i.e. pre-2020), and a sharp reduction from 21% which was the figure a year ago.
  • Percentage and monetary value differences remains broadly stable for Senior Buyers and Buyers over the last year, highlighting a constant demand for these jobs.
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